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Foshan Land Packaging Machinery Co.,Ltd

Customization & Wholesale Packing & Filling Machine Manufacturer Since 2000

Two kinds of vacuum packaging bags with Soonseal package

Views: 706 Author: Soonseal Publish Time: Origin: www.sealingwell.com

The vacuum packaging bags sold by  Soonseal package are mainly aluminum foil vacuum bags and nylon vacuum bags. These two materials are very good vacuum materials, which can better achieve the vacuum effect, so they are also used for food, medical, Electronics and other fields.

Aluminum foil vacuum bags: Aluminum foil vacuum bags are generally composed of three-layer materials or four-layer materials: PET/AL/CPE, PET/AL/NY(PA)/CPE. It has good waterproof, oxygen-blocking and light-proof functions. The characteristic of the aluminum foil vacuum bag is that it does not transmit light. The bag type can be customized into self-sealing zipper bags, self-supporting zipper bags, etc. according to customer requirements. Generally, relevant color patterns can also be customized according to customer requirements. The electrical resistance of the inner and outer surfaces: 10^9——10^11Ω.

Nylon vacuum bag: Nylon vacuum bag generally has two or three layers of material composite: NY/CPE, PET/NY/CPE. Has a good anti-static function, vacuum effect, moisture-proof and other functions. The same specifications can also be customized according to its customers.

Nylon vacuum bag is also called decompression packaging bag. It takes all the air in the packaging container out and seals it to maintain a high degree of pressure reduction in the bag. The scarcity of air is equivalent to the effect of low oxygen, so that there is no living condition for microorganisms to achieve fresh and non-existent fruits. The purpose of disease occurrence.


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