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Foshan Land Packaging Machinery Co.,Ltd

Customization & Wholesale Packing & Filling Machine Manufacturer Since 2000

Analysis of the reason why the vacuum packaging bag does not expand

Views: 564 Author: Soonseal Publish Time: Origin: www.sealingwell.com

Vacuum packaging bags will produce the consequences of lax packaging when packaging products. What is going on? This is related to the packaging process during packaging.

When the vacuum packaging bag is vacuumed, the packaging bag is not properly sealed, the sealing is not tight, the heat is not enough, and the vacuum bag is not compressed, causing it to inhale air a little bit. If the packaging bag is unqualified, there will be many small holes that are invisible to the naked eye, so that air enters the bag. This will lead to the effect of lax packaging.

If there are bacteria on the food, the bag will swell. If the food is not sterilized strictly, bacteria will grow and multiply and produce gas after the vacuum bag is sealed, causing the packaging bag to bulge.

The reasons for the lax packaging of vacuum packaging bags are the above-mentioned situations. Therefore, lax packaging is a quality problem. As long as you pay attention to the above aspects in the packaging, there will be no problems.


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