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Foshan Land Packaging Machinery Co.,Ltd

Customization & Wholesale Packing & Filling Machine Manufacturer Since 2000

Different types of packaging bags have different functions

Views: 723 Author: Soonseal Publish Time: Origin: www.sealingwell.com

Packaging bag is a kind of material that is used more at present, which not only effectively improves the hygiene and aesthetics of the product, but also brings convenience to people, so it has become an indispensable item. What should be paid attention to in the production of packaging bags aspect.

Food bags, paper bags and other plastic bags are preferred for direct packaging. The hygienic properties of plastic bags should meet relevant regulations. Each batch of retail packaging bags should be accompanied by a certificate of conformity, and the certificate should indicate the product name, trademark, manufacturer name, factory address, Specifications, nominal content quality, batch number, quantity, production date, inspector's stamp, etc., food packaging should be indicated in the logo, and the outer packaging should also have the main content of the logo, and some retail packaging of goods is best to use plastic Film packaging is best stored in a clean, dry, and cool warehouse, stacked neatly, and food bags should be stored in an environment with no harmful effects, so that the quality is not damaged during use.


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