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Foshan Land Packaging Machinery Co.,Ltd

Customization & Wholesale Packing & Filling Machine Manufacturer Since 2000

How to avoid aging of liquid bags

Views: 635 Author: Soonseal Publish Time: Origin: www.sealingwell.com

With the increasing use of liquid bags,the types of our liquid bag products have also increased.Liquid bags are the most commonly used liquid bag products around us,like liquid bags.There are many places to pay attention to the use these liquid bags,but in many cases,due to our improper use,these liquid bag products are aging.Why is this?

Factors that cause the aging of the liquid bag.Since liquid bags are particularly sensitive to ultraviolet radiation,any application of liquid bags must take this issue into account.For liquid bags used indoors or outdoors,light stabilization must be considered.When the liquid bag without light stabilization is exposed outdoors,it loses luster,cracks on the surface,the color is no longer bright,and the mechanical properties decrease.Of course,it takes a long time to happen.Since the intensity of ultraviolet light changes with the season,the photo-oxidation degradation of the packaging bag is very related to the season.Liquid bags have a life cycle.As the use time increases,the age of the liquid bag will increase.As long as the natural aging is controlled within the life cycle of the packaging bag,the safe use of the liquid bag will not cause any impact.I believe everyone knows that liquid bags are sensitive to ultraviolet rays,and ultraviolet rays are sufficient in summer.Therefore,in summer,you should avoid exposure will accelerate the aging of the packaging bags.Greatly shorten the use cycle of packaging bags.

It seems that ultraviolet rays are the main reason that affects the aging of our liquid bags.In recent years,the use of these liquid bags around us has become more and more.Many products around us need to use these liquid bags for transportation.With so many advantages,it has become more and more widely used around us.I hope that when you use these liquid bag products,you can pay more attention to its maintenance to avoid aging.


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