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Foshan Land Packaging Machinery Co.,Ltd

Customization & Wholesale Packing & Filling Machine Manufacturer Since 2000

How to check the safety of high temperature retort pouch?

Views: 1071 Author: Soonseal Publish Time: Origin: www.sealingwell.com

Soonseal Packaging Co., LTD., in order to better ensure food safety in high-temperature retort bags, here are the five packaging detection methods:

retort pouch

1. Packing bag sealing test
By using compressed air blowing and underwater extrusion methods to test the sealing performance of materials, the sealing performance of packaging bags can be compared and evaluated effectively by testing, and provide a basis for determining the relevant production technical indicators.

2. Packing bag pressure resistance, drop resistance test
By testing the pressure resistance and drop resistance of the high-temperature cooking bag, the cracking resistance and proportion in the turnover process can be controlled. Due to the ever-changing turnover process, we do pressure tests for a single package and drop tests for the whole box of products, and do multiple tests in different directions, in order to comprehensively analyze the pressure and drop resistance of packaged products and solve the problems caused by packaging damage in the process of transportation or transfer.

3. Mechanical strength test of high-temperature cooking bag
The mechanical strength of the packing material includes the composite peeling strength of the material, sealing heat sealing strength, tensile strength, etc. If the detection index can not reach the standard, it is easy to break or break in the process of packaging and transportation. It can be detected and determined by the universal tensile tester according to the relevant standards and standard methods of the national and industrial standards.

4. Barrier performance test

retort packaging

High-temperature cooking bags tend to be highly nutritional contents such as meat products, etc., vulnerable to oxidation, even in the warranty period its taste also varies along with the date, so if you want to ensure that its nutrition, flavor, and quality, the barrier material must be used, and therefore need to strict packaging materials in the air and moisture permeability test.

5. Residual solvent detection
Because in high-temperature cooking process printing and composite are two very important working procedures, and in the process of printing and the composite solvent is needed, the use of solvent is a kind of harm to the human body has a certain excitant odor and polymer chemical material, foreign laws and regulations on some of the solvent such as toluene butanone have very strict control indicators, Therefore, solvent residues should be detected in the process of printing semi-finished products, composite semi-finished products, and finished products to ensure that the products are healthy and safe.

Guangdong Soonseal Packaging Technology Co. Ltd is a leading manufacturer founded in 2001 and unique for all kinds of package solutions, We have an Alibaba site-certified factory located in Foshan, only 1 hour from Guangzhou. If you are interested in our high-temperature retort pouch, please contact us.


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