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Foshan Land Packaging Machinery Co.,Ltd

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How to distinguish retort bags and boiled bags?

Views: 584 Author: Soonseal Publish Time: Origin: www.sealingwell.com

How to distinguish retort bags and boiled bags, let's first explain separately what is retorted bags and boiled bags.

Let me explain the cooking bag first.

Retort bags and vacuum bags are suitable for packaging all kinds of cooked meat.

The material of the cooking bag can be NY/PENY/AL/RCPPKNY/PE.

The characteristics of the cooking bag: moisture-proof, temperature-resistant, shading, and fragrance.

Applicable to: cooked foods, high-temperature sterilized foods, such as meat, ham, grilled fish, etc.

There are three types of retort pouch sterilization:

The first type: general sterilization, the cooking temperature is 100-20℃, and the sterilization is about 30 minutes.

The second type: high-temperature type, the cooking temperature is 121 ℃, and the sterilization is about 45 minutes.

The third type: high-temperature resistant type, the cooking temperature is 135℃, and the sterilization is about 15 minutes.

Next, explain the poached bag.

Material of boiled bag: PET/PE, BOPA/PE, PET/AL/PE

The characteristics of the boiled bag: it can withstand the sterilization treatment at a temperature not higher than 105 ℃, has good oil resistance, has good sealing properties, good heat sealing strength, and high impact resistance.

Boiled bags are sterilized by water, and there are two types of sterilization for boiled bags:

The first type: low-temperature sterilization, sterilization at a temperature of 100 ℃ for about 30 minutes.

The second type: bus sterilization, sterilization at 85 ℃ temperature environment for about 30 minutes.

In short, there is not much difference between the retort pouch and the boiled pouch, and both require sterilization treatment.


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