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Foshan Land Packaging Machinery Co.,Ltd

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How to identify the quality of aluminum foil bag?

Views: 644 Author: Soonseal Publish Time: Origin: www.sealingwell.com

Aluminum foil is not only soft in texture, has good ductility, is easy to process, but is also light and beautiful, easy to recycle, beneficial to environmental protection, is one of the most commonly used materials in modern packaging. But because aluminum foil is easy to form pinholes in the process of packaging and use and reduce its barrier performance, so aluminum foil is often made of composite materials such as film, polymer, or other metal sheets. The practice has proved that aluminum foil composite material can greatly improve the barrier of packaging, improve the mechanical strength and mechanical properties of aluminum foil, especially suitable for the production of composite soft packaging vacuum aluminum foil bag and packaging lining, widely used in food, medicine, cosmetics, and other commodities packaging.

aluminum foil bag

With heightened people's quality of life, people more and more to high to the requirement of packaging, not only requires bags have the good-looking appearance, but also to have a thorough knowledge of the insulated, can let the product can be stored well preserved, including aluminum foil bag because outstanding performance has been all over the world people like it, but there are many different kinds of aluminum foil bag on the market, quality is uneven, So how do we identify the quality of aluminum foil bags? Let me answer them one by one.

1. The material of aluminum foil bag: see the sample when buying, smell whether there is a special smell. If there is an odor, it does not meet the health standards but also may affect the normal use of aluminum foil bags. If there is no special odor, you can check whether the clarity of the aluminum foil bag is even, whether there is a sense of impurities, etc.

2. Look at the firmness level of aluminum foil bags: the firmness of aluminum foil bags is mainly divided into two kinds, in line with firmness and hot air firmness. Aluminum foil bags because of different materials so the firm level is different. The main way to distinguish the bag is to tear it by hand at the edge of the bag. Nylon and high-pressure film composite bag is generally torn by hand is difficult to tear, can be used to pack heavy products such as semiconductor items, large particles, and OPP heat sealing film made of the bag is very easy to tear, can only pack some light products; After the bag is torn, the shape and structure of the section should be looked at. If the bag is evenly torn from the middle of the heat seal, the heat seal of the bag is very poor and easy to break in the production process. If the bag is torn from the edge of the seal, the heat seal quality is good. Second, to see the packaging bag compound firmness, the method is to see the crack at several layers of structure and then use the hand to see if you can separate it, if it is not easy to separate, the compound firmness is good if gently pulled apart, the quality is poor; So check the firm level of aluminum foil bag at the same time to see whether there are bubbles or wrinkles on the surface of the bag.

3. Look at the appearance of the aluminum foil bag uniformity: first, observe the smoothness of the aluminum foil bag. The higher the general flatness, the better, but due to the different needs, such as nylon and high-pressure film composite packaging bag, the bag heat seal will have wavy; You also need to observe that the cut edges of the bag are neat. The neater the better.

4. Look at the printing quality of aluminum foil bag: look at the printing quality of aluminum foil bag, the higher the fidelity level, the better. Secondly, see if the bag has the phenomenon of wire drawing, fog version, blocking version, leakage, and so on. If this happens, it shows that the printing requirements are not standard. Now, most aluminum foil bag manufacturers have jerry-built situations. Remind the majority of users in the purchase of aluminum foil bag must pay attention to the above several points for you to identify the quality of aluminum foil bag, from the aluminum foil bag material, bag firm, appearance uniformity, aluminum foil bag printing quality to judge; Many people are worried about the quality of aluminum foil bag when they choose, so you can choose our Soonseal products. We have a variety of aluminum foil bag to choose from, but also a variety of sizes to choose from.


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