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Foshan Land Packaging Machinery Co.,Ltd

Customization & Wholesale Packing & Filling Machine Manufacturer Since 2000

Reasons for the rapid development of aluminum foil bags

Views: 476 Author: Soonseal Publish Time: Origin: www.sealingwell.com

At present, most of the company's product packaging is packaged in aluminum foil bags, which shows that the status of aluminum foil bags in the market is quite mature and unshakable. As we all know, this kind of product belongs to high-end food packaging bags, both in appearance and design are quite high-grade.

Aluminum foil bags are also widely used in the fields of food and medicine. Aluminum foil and plastic film composite aluminum foil bags effectively use the characteristics of high temperature cooking and complete shading to make cooking bags, which can be used to package cooked food. Multi-layer composite film is also Used for small food packaging such as biscuits, snacks, drinks, etc.

Aluminum foil bags have metallic luster, good light resistance, high reflection ability to heat and light, metallic luster and reflection ability can improve the brightness of printing colors; vacuum packaging bags have good insulation, strong protection, and are impermeable to gas and water vapor. It prevents the contents from absorbing moisture and vaporizing, and is not susceptible to bacteria and insects; it has good shape stability and is not affected by changes in humidity. It is easy to process and can be used for printing, color difference, embossing, surface coating, gluing and painting on aluminum foil bags; composite aluminum foil bags also have the advantages of insulation.

The food packaged in aluminum foil bags is safer and more hygienic. I believe that everyone will have a deeper understanding of the food packaging bag manufacturers after the above analysis.


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