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Foshan Land Packaging Machinery Co.,Ltd

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Teach you to distinguish between biodegradable, degradable and non-degradable

Views: 652 Author: Soonseal Publish Time: Origin: www.sealingwell.com

In order to need, people use all kinds of methods to prevent or delay the degradation of certain materials; at the same time, people think of various methods to cause or accelerate the degradation of certain materials. Among the latter materials are plastic flexible packaging materials.

So far, according to the definition of degradation, there are basically three types of plastic flexible packaging materials in the world:

1. Biodegradable plastic flexible packaging materials

2. Degradable plastic flexible packaging materials

3. Non-degradable plastic flexible packaging materials

On the basis of these three basic concepts, it can also be subdivided according to the chemical composition. It can be divided into fully degradable plastic flexible packaging materials, partially degradable plastic flexible packaging materials, and refractory plastic flexible packaging materials.

Biodegradable plastic flexible packaging material

If a certain kind of plastic flexible packaging material can turn into carbon dioxide and water under certain realistic conditions, and this material meets most of the international standards and national standards, then it can be called a biodegradable material. The so-called actual conditions refer to temperature, humidity, microorganisms and others. At present, the practical biodegradable plastic flexible packaging materials include polylactic acid, starch-polyester mixture, polyester-polylactic acid mixture, and polyester.

Degradable plastic flexible packaging material

If a material is triggered to decompose into basic elements under certain conditions and meets most of the international standards and national standards, it is classified as a degradable material. The difference between biodegradable and biodegradable materials is controversial because they both have the common characteristics of releasing carbon dioxide and water.For some degradable materials, the longer degradation time is the only reason for not meeting the biodegradability standards. The difference here is that strong heat, humidity, or ultraviolet radiation are often the main factors that trigger the degradation of degradable materials; while biodegradable materials are microbes. Typically, there is a low-density polyethylene/high-density polyethylene-oxidant mixture.

Non-degradable plastic flexible packaging material

The non-degradable plastic flexible packaging material can be broken into fragments but cannot be decomposed into basic elements, nor can its chemical composition be changed. For example, put a small amount of starch into a discarded polyethylene bag, and the end result is that the bag breaks when exposed to moisture. But the polyethylene molecule has not changed, just like cutting the bag into pieces with scissors.


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