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Foshan Land Packaging Machinery Co.,Ltd

Customization & Wholesale Packing & Filling Machine Manufacturer Since 2000

The importance of food packaging bag sealing technology

Views: 586 Author: Soonseal Publish Time: Origin: www.sealingwell.com

As a plastic packaging product for packaging food, its sealing technology determines the safety and health of the food quality. Therefore, the sealing technology of food packaging is the basic skill of all kinds of plastic packaging product manufacturers, because although plastic bags have good chemical properties, plastic products are not resistant to high temperatures, so plastic packaging bags are sealed by heat sealing technology.

Different plastic packaging bags have different hot air properties. Food plastic packaging bags that pack particles and have a high density require high heat-sealing strength of the plastic packaging bags. When the heat-sealing material is determined, the quality of the heat-sealing is directly related to the heat-sealing process.Usually the main control on heat sealing is temperature, pressure and time.Usually the main control on heat sealing is temperature, pressure and time.When heat-sealing is above the heat-sealing temperature, the plastic film becomes viscous; while the heat-sealing pressure makes the interface molecules of the plastic film in the viscous state produce an external force of mutual penetration and diffusion; a certain heat-sealing time will Make the interface molecules of the plastic film penetrate and diffuse each other as soon as possible, make the interface disappear and become a whole, so it has a good sealing performance.

The minimum heat-sealing temperature of the heat-sealing material depends on the melting temperature of the material. The heat-sealing temperature should be higher than the melting temperature of the heat-sealing material. However, how much higher it depends on whether the material to be sealed is a single film or a composite film, the thickness of the film, The influence of heat-sealing pressure, heat-sealing speed and other technical indicators. Generally, the heat-sealing pressure is high; the heat-sealing speed is slow; if the film thickness is large, the heat-sealing temperature can be lower, and vice versa.


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