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Foshan Land Packaging Machinery Co.,Ltd

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What should I pay attention to when inspecting food plastic packaging bags

Views: 752 Author: Soonseal Publish Time: Origin: www.sealingwell.com

There are many types of food plastic packaging bags, and there are many materials used to make food plastic packaging bags. Therefore, in order to ensure the safety of food, it is necessary to be strict during the inspection and acceptance. What are the requirements for the inspection of food plastic packaging bags?

1. Single-film food plastic packaging bags must be checked and accepted: the appearance must not have defects such as bubbles, perforations, water lines, bursts, poor plasticization, and fisheyes that are obstructive to use. The deviation of specifications, width, length, and thickness shall be within the range stipulated internationally. The physical and mechanical properties include tensile strength and elongation at break, which can reflect the ability of the product to stretch during use. If this item is unqualified, the food packaging bag is prone to cracking and damage during use.

2. The food packaging bag with composite film should be finished and accepted during the finishing and acceptance: smooth appearance, no scratches, scalds, bubbles, wrinkles, and heat sealing should be smooth and free of voids. The film must not have cracks, holes, and separation of the composite layer. There is no pollution such as impurities and foreign bodies. In addition, the bagged soaking liquid shall not have peculiar smell, peculiar smell, turbidity and discoloration.

When plastic packaging bags are used to package food, the requirements are very strict. They must be non-toxic and harmless, comply with national laws and regulations, and comply with corresponding mandatory standards, but the packaging must have clear marks: trademarks, licenses, Place of origin, factory address, company name, production date, main ingredients of the product, etc.


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