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Foshan Land Packaging Machinery Co.,Ltd

Customization & Wholesale Packing & Filling Machine Manufacturer Since 2000

What should you pay attention to after choosing a high temperature resistant aluminum foil bag

Views: 599 Author: Soonseal Publish Time: Origin: www.sealingwell.com

Nowadays, people's living standards are constantly improving, and they are very concerned about the quality of life. The vacuum packaging of some foods has also attracted more and more attention from the people. So how should we choose food packaging, especially some high-temperature food packaging bags? The following Soonseal Packaging will explain to you in depth the key points of choosing high-temperature aluminum foil bags:

1. The finished product of high temperature aluminum foil bag should be odorless afterwards

2. The outer packaging of food heat-resistant aluminum foil bags must have Chinese characters, with the name of the manufacturer, the address of the factory, and the store where the product belongs, and the words "for food" should not be written in the considerable parts. The product inspection certificate is written before the product leaves the factory

3. Customized high temperature aluminum foil bags should be produced by regular manufacturers, and the packaging bag manufacturers should provide business licenses; it is forbidden to buy them at street stalls

4. When purchasing high-temperature aluminum foil bags, compare the market prices. Don't blindly ask for low prices. If they are much lower than the market price, they may often be made of recycled plastic bags.


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