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Foshan Land Packaging Machinery Co.,Ltd

Customization & Wholesale Packing & Filling Machine Manufacturer Since 2000

What are the advantages of using plastic bags over paper bags?

Views: 851 Author: Soonseal Publish Time: Origin: www.sealingwell.com

In daily life, clothing bags there are generally two kinds of clothing bag materials, one kind is plastic clothing bags, one is paper clothes bags, but in real life, plastic clothes bag usage is much better than the paper clothing bags, although better than plastic bags, paper bags' environmental protection but also have a paper bag plastic bags don't have some advantages. So what are the advantages of plastic bags over paper bags? The following professional flexible packaging manufacturer Soonseal packaging to Soonseal clothing bags using plastic packaging bags compared with paper bags have more advantages in where.

clothing bags

1. Scope of use: Plastic bag has more choice space than a paper bag, a plastic bag can be used for long-term preservation of products, paper bag waterproof moisture-proof performance is relatively weak, and is not conducive to food preservation. And the plastic bag is more practical.

2. Moisture-proof and oil-proof: the moisture-proof performance of paper bags is poor, while that of plastic bags is stronger. Paper bags are afraid of oil and water, while plastic bags can be protected from moisture and oil.

3. Protective performance: plastic packaging is good toughness paper bags are easy to break, while plastic bags have good tensile strength, high elongation, are relatively strong, not easy to damage.

4. Environmental protection: Although paper bags are easy to decompose, they also cause serious damage to forests. The production of paper bags destroys trees. And easy to degrade environmentally friendly plastic bags, although the cost is a little bit higher, after waste, it can be in the biological environment, can decompose, and belongs to green packaging.

To sum up, the advantages of plastic bags over paper bags are obvious, but Soosneal clothing bags in the use of plastic bags, to improve the reuse rate, reduce environmental pollution.


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