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Foshan Land Packaging Machinery Co.,Ltd

Customization & Wholesale Packing & Filling Machine Manufacturer Since 2000

Four common packaging types on the market

Views: 587 Author: Soonseal Publish Time: Origin: www.sealingwell.com

1. Flexible non-airtight packaging: This is the most economical type of packaging bag. It is usually adopted by local small bakers because they can guarantee fast delivery. Coffee beans can be consumed in time. Coffee beans will be consumed in time. This packaging is suitable for some items consumed in a short time.

2. Air-tight packaging: After loading the beans, the bag needs to vacuum to ensure that the coffee is in a sealed environment. Because carbon dioxide is formed during the roasting process, this kind of packaging can only be packaged after the coffee is left for a period of time to degas, so there is no need to separate from the air during the storage period of several days, so the cost is low.

3. One-way exhaust valve packaging: After roasting, the coffee is placed in a special one-way exhaust valve. This type of exhaust valve allows gas to go out, but not in. It avoids the corruption of the food in the bag, but does not prevent the loss of the aroma.

4. Pressurized packaging: This is the most expensive way, but it can store coffee for up to two years. After a few minutes of roasting, the coffee can be vacuum packaged. After adding some inert gas, the package maintains proper pressure. Coffee beans in this packaging make the aroma well preserved and still enjoy its unique flavor when making the coffee.


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