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Foshan Land Packaging Machinery Co.,Ltd

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How to identify the raw materials of plastic bags

Views: 741 Author: Soonseal Publish Time: Origin: www.sealingwell.com

The chemical names of common food packaging bag materials are polyethylene (PE) or polypropylene, etc.; while polyvinyl chloride (PVC), which is commonly used in raincoats, tablecloths, slippers, agricultural films, etc., is due to the addition of more plasticizers, Auxiliary materials such as stabilizers may cause harm to human health if they are used to store plastic bags for directly ingested food.

Then, plastic bags can be said to be the most contacted in our daily life, so what method do we use to distinguish whether the raw material of plastic bags is PE or PVC?

First of all, by visual inspection, PE plastic bags are generally milky white and translucent. Touch the surface of the plastic bag. PE feels lubricious and has a firm and tough texture. PVC plastic bags are sticky and astringent;

Secondly, you can shake the plastic bag vigorously with your hands, the one that makes a crisp sound is PE, and the one that makes a small and dull sound is PVC.

If possible, it can be identified by burning. The flame is blue, the upper end is yellow, and the one that emits the odor of paraffin when burning is PE; it is extremely difficult to burn, the flame is yellow, the upper end is green, and the one that emits the pungent odor of hydrochloric acid is PVC. .


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