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Foshan Land Packaging Machinery Co.,Ltd

Customization & Wholesale Packing & Filling Machine Manufacturer Since 2000

How to prevent air leakage when making vacuum packaging bags

Views: 639 Author: Soonseal Publish Time: Origin: www.sealingwell.com

Vacuum packaging bags are a very common type of packaging bags in our lives. The use of vacuum packaging bags to package food can extend the storage time of the food and make the food less prone to mold. But when we buy things in the supermarket, we will find that sometimes the vacuum packaging bag is leaky and the food in it is not edible. How can we prevent air leakage in vacuum packaging in advance?

1. Adjust the heat sealing time when sealing the bag. The vacuum time should be determined according to the actual product and the size of the plastic bag. The seal must be placed flat, not wrinkled, and the machine temperature must be constant, so as to ensure that the packaging bag will not leak.

2. It is necessary to clearly stipulate that the supplier cannot add any recycled materials, otherwise trachoma will appear on the membrane surface, which will cause chronic air leakage.

3. Find a strong plastic packaging supplier, and require the supplier to provide material reports and combined components to achieve quality qualification.

4. When the device is put into the box, and when it is transported (especially when shipping), it should be handled with care to avoid damage.


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