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Foshan Land Packaging Machinery Co.,Ltd

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The role of vacuum food packaging bags

Views: 474 Author: Soonseal Publish Time: Origin: www.sealingwell.com

Food packaging bags are divided into many types of bags, such as stand-up bags, zipper bags, three-side seals, four-side seals, etc. One of them is the most common vacuum food packaging bag, so why use vacuum food packaging bags and what are the functions of vacuum bags , Let’s briefly introduce the functions of this vacuum food bag.

The main function of the vacuum packaging bag is to remove the oxygen in the bag, because the vacuumed food bag = vacuum food packaging bag can ensure that the food does not deteriorate.

In addition to extracting oxygen and inhibiting the growth of microorganisms, vacuum packaging bags also prevent food oxidation, because the oil in food contains fatty acids, which can chemically react with oxygen to spoil the food. Oxygen can also make the vitamin A in the food. When vitamin B is reduced, the pigments in food can also react chemically with oxygen to darken the color of food.

Therefore, pumping out oxygen can not only inhibit the growth of microorganisms, but also keep foods full of color, flavor, and nutritional value.


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