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Foshan Land Packaging Machinery Co.,Ltd

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How to deal with food plastic packaging bag waste

Views: 572 Author: Soonseal Publish Time: Origin: www.sealingwell.com

With the development of the economy and the rapid rise of the packaging industry, packaging waste has also increased in a large amount. If it is not treated in time, it will seriously pollute the environment and form a vicious and uncontrollable trend over time. At present, the first thing in various countries is the correct treatment of packaging waste.

Packaging waste is about 16 million tons, accounting for 25% of the volume of urban waste. In the long run, it will cause serious environmental pollution and cause a huge waste of resources. The economic loss caused by solid waste in my country and the value of available but unused waste resources amounts to 30 billion RMB each year.

Take food plastic packaging materials as an example. my country's plastic packaging products reach about 3 million tons per year, and the recycling and reuse of its waste can save a lot of energy and resources. If plastic waste is used to make plastic parts and packaging containers, it can save 85-96% of the required energy compared to using pure resin to make plastic parts and packaging containers; if the incineration method is used to recycle plastic waste, it can save energy, but Compared with the recycling method, the latter can save more energy. For example, the burning value of 45.4 kg of density polyethylene is 19,000 joules, but recycling can save 38,000 joules of energy.

The recycling of packaging waste is generally divided into two categories: material recycling and thermal energy recycling. At present, the recycling of domestic packaging waste is mainly based on material recycling.


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