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Foshan Land Packaging Machinery Co.,Ltd

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There are good ways to teach you to choose the right food packing bags

Views: 419 Author: Soonseal Publish Time: Origin: www.sealingwell.com

How to choose the right food packaging bag, qualified packaging bag, the following should be noted:

1. The outer packaging of food plastic packaging bags should have Chinese logos, factory name, factory address, product name, and mark in obvious places: the words for food, and the packaging bags should have a product inspection certificate when they leave the factory.

2. When the food packaging bag leaves the factory, there is no peculiar smell. If any peculiar smell is found, it cannot be used for food packaging.

3. Some plastic packaging bags are the kind of one if deep in color. This type of packaging cannot be used for food packaging, because this type of packaging may be made of recycled plastic.

4. Try not to use coated food packaging bags, because after such packaging bags are damaged, they are likely to cause great harm to human health.

5. Choose biodegradable packaging bags, this kind of packaging bag will degrade after a long time, and will not pollute the environment.

The above is how to choose the right food packaging bag.


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