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Foshan Land Packaging Machinery Co.,Ltd

Customization & Wholesale Packing & Filling Machine Manufacturer Since 2000

What to consider when designing the bag type of aluminum foil bag

Views: 568 Author: Soonseal Publish Time: Origin: www.sealingwell.com

Generally, when designing a new aluminum foil bag packaging shape, many aspects should be considered. The corresponding structural design should be carried out according to the nature of the product and the packaging requirements of the enterprise, mainly from whether it is convenient for transportation and storage, whether it is convenient for display and sales, and whether it is easy to use and other big angles to consider.

1. Considering that it is convenient for transportation and storage, because aluminum foil bags are used as flexible plastic packaging, and the convenience of transportation and storage is one of the main differences compared with traditional packaging. When designing the aluminum foil bag, the product structure should be compact, so that it can protect the product during stacking, loading and unloading, and transportation.

2. For packaged goods, the most important thing in marketing is product display, and after packaging structure design, aluminum foil bags can express the characteristics of the goods, which is convenient for consumers to identify the goods and accurately select the desired goods. This can be achieved through transparent packaging design. attract consumers.

3. Aluminum foil bag manufacturers should also consider whether the aluminum foil bag products produced are convenient for consumers to use. For example, For example, by adding a zipper design, it is convenient for consumers to reuse aluminum foil bags and reduce the waste of packaging bags; by adding a nozzle design, it can also make Consumers can easily access the packaging inside without damaging the aluminum foil bag.

In addition to the above points, aluminum foil bags should also consider appearance quality and design, and try to be as beautiful as possible, novel and diverse.


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