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Foshan Land Packaging Machinery Co.,Ltd

Customization & Wholesale Packing & Filling Machine Manufacturer Since 2000

Advantages and disadvantages of three-side sealing bags

Views: 1175 Author: Soonseal Publish Time: Origin: www.sealingwell.com

Let me introduce the meaning, advantages and disadvantages of the three-sided seal.

The three-side seal is actually the top, left, and right sides are sealed in advance. The reason for the special introduction is that the four-side seal belongs to a packaging bag with four sealed sides on the left and right sides, and does not include the upper side. If you do not combine the two In comparison, ordinary people cannot understand the difference between the two and the reason for the name.

Three-side seal packaging bags are very common types of packaging bags in daily life. Commonly used materials include PET, CPE, CPP, OPP, PA, AL, KPET, etc., plastic food packaging bags, vacuum bags, rice bags, upright bags, stretch bags, etc. Seen in small commodities such as bone bags and aluminum foil bags, their advantages and disadvantages are also obvious.

Advantages: the airtightness is the best, and this kind of bag making method is usually necessary for vacuum bag extraction;

Disadvantages: It can hold a small volume, and the packaging speed is slow.


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