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Foshan Land Packaging Machinery Co.,Ltd

Customization & Wholesale Packing & Filling Machine Manufacturer Since 2000

Causes of air leakage in aluminum foil bags

Views: 775 Author: Soonseal Publish Time: Origin: www.sealingwell.com

Aluminum foil bags are very suitable for packaging meat products and cooked food, because aluminum foil bags have excellent barrier properties, and have good evacuation effects and completely avoid light. However, many aluminum foil bags will still leak or be damaged when they are sold.

Here are a few reasons why aluminum foil bags will leak:

1. The aluminum foil bag stretches unevenly during the production process, which will also cause air leakage.

2. When the aluminum foil bag is filled with food, the taste is sealed and the air is leaked.

3. The shape of the aluminum foil bag is irregular, and it is very easy to be exposed to the backlog from the outside to cause air leakage and damage.

4. Excessive extraction of the aluminum foil bag during vacuuming will damage the original properties of the aluminum foil bag.

5. The wall thickness of the aluminum foil bag is uneven, so the bearing capacity is also different.


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