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Foshan Land Packaging Machinery Co.,Ltd

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Looking at plastic food packaging bags from convenience and practicality

Views: 677 Author: Soonseal Publish Time: Origin: www.sealingwell.com

The pollution of plastic bags to the environment is still not small. It is difficult to eliminate the degradation of pollution. The city and the natural environment will cause serious pollution. Therefore, we attach great importance to this kind of pollution all over the world in the field of environmental protection. With the rapid development of society, people have put forward new requirements and development trends for plastic packaging, mainly the main trend of reducing quantitative, harmless and composting. Minimize the consumption of resources and production waste in the production of plastic bags, research, develop and promote the use of degradable plastic packaging and high-filling inorganic material plastic packaging for photodegradation, so that the use of raw materials and petroleum can be saved. It is not only easy to be destroyed by the environment, but also has strategic significance for the use of resources.

After the test, the study found that after a period of time, the degradation of food packaging bags, the chemical and mechanical properties of the landfill site, have undergone tremendous changes in a short period of time. It is completely harmless and biodegradable garbage, such as the environmental capacity of the soil. , Reduce waste, control environmental pollution, and finally return to the natural environment.

In recent years, landfill incineration treatment has gradually been restricted, and composting has begun to receive attention. It can not only reduce the emission of harmful gases, but also can be used as organic fertilizer to improve the soil. Therefore, the development of degradable plastic bags is moving in the direction of composting to better meet the needs of the entire field. Biodegradable plastic bags are a new member of plastic packaging products, which effectively alleviate environmental pollution, but their production technology and application need to be further developed, which is of great significance to energy utilization and environmental protection.


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